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Gender stereotyping is defined as an overgeneralization of characteristics, differences and attributes of a certain group based on their gender. Gender stereotypes create widely accepted biases about certain characteristics or traits and perpetuate the notion that each gender and associated behaviors are binary.  Under this assumption,r. i If a man or a woman act differently from how their gender is expected to behave there is a disconnect in the evaluator’s mind.  As our society moves to a broader construct of what “gender means,” individuals who are stuck in this binary idea of gender have a difficult time wrapping their brains around individuals who do not fit into a strict gender dichotomy, or do not identify with any gender at all.For example: assertive women are called “bitches” and “whores”, while men who don’t appear or act masculine are called “sissies” or “wimps” or assumed to be gay, which is a very offensive stereotype in the LGBT community.


Gender stereotypes are dangerous because they can cause us to might be disoriented in our perceptions.  When individuals don’t conform to our gender stereotypes the result can lead to discrimination and unequal or create unequal or unfair treatment. s to a certain person who chooses to defy people’s assumptions about his/her gender. When gender inequality occurs in the background of gender stereotyping, this is in the most basic sense sexism








We are easily thrown in terms of our interactions with others for whom our brain has not been programmed to stereotype to some degree.  This is because stereotyping enables us to make sense of the world – at least sometimes.sometimes  Someone who considers themselves “Gender Fluid,” or “Gender non-conforming,” threatens the stereotypes we are familiar with and for that reason can seem is weird and/or threatening because we can’t even stereotype them.


Every day, transgender and gender non-conforming people bear the brunt of social and economic marginalization due to discrimination based on their gender identity or expression. Advocates face this reality regularly working with transgender people who have lost housing, been fired from jobs, experienced mistreatment and violence, or been unable to access the health care they need.


Sixty-three percent of transgender and gender-nonconforming people experience serious acts of discrimination – events that have a major impact on a persons’ quality of life.


We need to work hard to fight against ingrained stereotypes, and challenge these world views.


In general, gender discrimination occurs when an employer treats one employee differently based on his or her sex. In many instances, the employer will rely on a stereotype as the basis for this unequal treatment. These stereotypes can be most pernicious when decision-makers view women negatively because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. For example, the employer may say that a woman cannot perform a certain duty because women are not as strong as men, or because women are too emotional.


Many employers will rely on these stereotypes when deciding whether to promote one employee over another. Women lose ground when educators and employers make decisions based on outdated stereotypes about the roles of women at work, at school or in regard to their perceived role as mothers and wives. Many employers may decide to hire or promote a male candidate, assuming that a female candidate of a certain age range will become pregnant.


Although often people presume that gender-based stereotypes target women, stereotypes geared toward men exist as well. For example, an employer may believe that a woman is better equipped for a job because women are more sensitive than men, or because a woman is more sexually appealing.


The State of New York and New York City have enacted a number of laws that provide protections for employees from inappropriate and unnecessary gender discrimination. These laws require an employer to treat employees and hiring candidates equally throughout every phase of the employment process. This includes matters involving hiring, compensation, layoffs, promotions, job training, work conditions, benefits, and other privileges. If an employer treats candidates or employers differently based on their gender in relation to any of these matters, the employer likely has engaged in gender discrimination.


Additionally, under the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Equal Pay Act of 1963, both women and men are required to receive equal pay for substantially equal jobs within the same company. This does not only include salary but also encompasses benefits, stock options, bonuses, and overtime compensation. Ultimately, if you are performing substantially the same work as an employee of another gender and receiving less pay, you may have a claim against your employer pursuant to this law.



If asked, most of us would say that discrimination against women in the workplace is wrong and unacceptable. Unfortunately, research shows that treating women and men equally in hiring decisions, job evaluations, and leadership positions is more of an ideal than a reality. One explination is that many of us harbor unconscious biases that can affect our judgement, even though we may be unaware of them. Uncovering these unconscious, or implicity, biasses can be the first step toward eliminating them. 



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